Shrine Club Oyster Roast
A grand old time was recently had by all at the Chesapeake Shrine Club's 41st annual oyster roast at Khedive Shrine Temple in Greenbrier. It was a beautiful day to be out with friends while enjoying raw, roasted and fried oysters, clams, fish, and hushpuppies. Entertainment was provided by The Janitors.
Charlie Taylor and Assistant Rabban Bill Hoggard
From left: Claire Jones with Kelley and Nate Mullenniex
Pat Garrison prepares condiments
Charlie Taylor and Assistant Rabban Bill Hoggard
Potentate Mike Coffman, Charlie Taylor, and Assistant Rabban Bill Hoggard
From left: Candie Brown, Malleri Santiago, Carol Norton, Jeannie Whitley, Debbie Fessler, Barb Severence, and Lulu Smith served up hushpuppies, baked beans, and fried oysters
Liggy Liugenfelter and Malleri Santiago poured soft drinks
From left: Eric Brickson, Lisa Brickson, and William Bickel
Officer Riddick and Officer Watson oversaw the event
From left: Carla Davis, Kelley Mullenniex, and Liz Bianchi
The crowd of all ages had fun dancing to the music by The Janitors
Back: Claire Jones and Daniel McDonald, with Shopper Production Manager Karah Angeli
Al Bianchi served wine at “Al's Wine Barâ€